This article was republished from Feb. 28, 2020

Amazon follow-up emails: Do you enjoy sending them? Do you hate receiving them? Since it’s become more and more difficult to get reviews on new products, one of the avenues sellers have taken is to enhance their customer service process. This can result in positive feedback from sellers, or it can turn them off completely. The reviews from customers who receive emails from sellers after buying a product are fairly mixed.

So, if you do decide to use follow-up emails in an attempt to get reviews on your products, do so wisely.

Email #1

Your product is on the way!

What you should also do is include some extra value for your customer by including an attachment. The attachment can either be a PDF or an Image and there are multiple routes you can take:

-Additional information about the product, it’s uses or how to maintain it
-Additional information about your brand, what is your manufacturing process, the materials used etc.
-A recipe or any other creative way to utilize your product, or if you have it available creative ways your customers have used it in the past

Your attachment could be anything that you believe your customer can find value in. The attachment should be there to serve several purposes:

-Offering additional value to your customer apart from the purchase they’ve made
-Getting them more familiar with your brand (which can lead to return purchases and recommendations)
-Getting them excited for the product they are about to receive

Email #2

We hope you’ve enjoyed using out [insert product name]!

Send this email 1 week after order was delivered. This is when you ask for a review, first you point out to the fact that they’ve had 1 weeks worth of time to use the product and that you would be grateful if they would honestly share their experience via a review. Don’t forget to mention that besides the fact that it helps you, it also helps other customers to make the best decision on how to spend their money.

You can embed a link to your product where they can leave a review and get there in just 1 click. The most important part of the email is that you do not use any language that might suggest that you want the review to be positive, don’t say something like “to leave a review of this excellent product, your great experience using it” etc…

You also need to make sure that you specifically mention that you want an honest review. There is an approval process when it comes to these e-mails and Amazon might reject it and you would have to try again until it goes through. Just keep to these guidelines and you should get it on the first try.

Email #3 – Optional

How was your experience?

Send this email 2 or more weeks after delivery. This is essentially the same email as #2 but you want to be careful as to not bother the customer.

Some buyers have complained about feeling “harassed” by the seller, which resulted in a negative review.

Using this system is guaranteed to make a very visible difference in the rate of which you get reviews. It might not become obvious at first, but you might notice that for example instead of getting 5 reviews in a month you get 8 or 10, which is an enormous increase.

Automated emails is a great place for experimentation and split testing. Just a warning: do not try and use the system for anything other than this and other customer inquiries that might be related to their order or their experience.

Do not try to promote anything using the email series, especially other products than the one the customer purchased.

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