As the world of eCommerce continues to evolve to meet the latest customer demands, the marketing strategies employed by eCommerce businesses must evolve right along with them.

With new tactics or hacks emerging almost daily, brands might be tempted to chase the fads instead of building their marketing strategy on pillars that have proven return on investment.

This guest post, contributed by Travis Jamison, breaks down seven effective tried and true ROI-generating marketing tactics. These are the kinds of strategies that can bring you the growth you're looking to achieve without spending thousands or jumping through hoops!  

Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy with the best ROI – $42 for every dollar spent, to be precise. It also happens to be one of the simplest tactics to execute. And on top of all that, it is the preferred communication method of many internet users.

Think about it. People check email several times a day. Promotional emails - whether opened or clicked on - can linger in our minds. Then, when we're in a money-spending mood, we might just remember it.

The key to email marketing success lies in two crucial strategies:

  • audience segmentation – you want to ensure leads at different stages of the buyer's journey receive tailored emails to where they are in your sales funnel
  • promoting products or informational pieces of content that are of genuine interest to your audience segment

For example, Beauty Bay has a great email marketing campaign. They send out daily emails on weekdays, which makes perfect sense given the sheer volume of products they stock. They've tailored the language to their audience, and they also write some great subject lines. Plus, the emails contain offers for freebies and discounts.



Create Niche Informational Content for SEO Purposes

Content is king, as they say, and as it happens, creating valuable informational content will help you grow your business.

Take a complex topic, cover it in great detail, and make it as understandable as possible.

There are two important points to bear in mind when creating content.

1. Provide real value. The content you produce needs to:

  • answer real questions
  • help your readers out
  • be written in an engaging way that will retain their attention

2. Target topics (i.e., keywords) that people are looking for.

There's very little point in writing posts no one is looking for, as they may never be read.

Combining the two organically ranks your business/product pages while educating your audience.


When choosing your topics, make sure you factor in the power of your own brand and the resources you have at your disposal. For example, how well can you promote your post, and how many links can you reasonably generate?

Once you know that, you will be able to more strategically select keywords to help you rank. Don't settle for the lowest-volume ones if you know you can beat other top-ranking articles for a higher-volume keyword.

As for the type of content you want to be generating, here's an example from Transparent Labs on BioPerine.

The post is:

  1. highly informative
  2. written by an expert, and
  3. reviewed by a scientific advisory board

And it remains exceptionally relatable to the average reader. This is how brands use niche content to provide exceptional value for their readers and stimulate growth.


This is how a brand can use niche content to provide exceptional value for their readers and, consequently, stimulate growth. Take a complex topic, cover it in great detail, and make it as understandable as possible.

Strategically Place Exit-Intent Pop-ups

While some visitors won't appreciate the pop-up, it will entice others to convert. Stats suggest that you can expect to see a 5-10% conversion rate using a pop-up. Considering already-exiting visitors would otherwise have been lost, this can be a great strategy to implement.

Naturally, the better the pop-up - aka the design and content - the better its chances of generating conversions.

Check out Bay Alarm Medical. As soon as the website detects an action indicating a user is about to leave, pop-up displays summarizing why the potential customer might reconsider.

Note that the pop-up doesn't address the product features or value proposition. The messaging focuses on addressing the reasons why the user may be leaving. Instead of "This is how great our product is," it's "Here are the reasons why you can trust us." A message that

This is an excellent way to re-engage potential customers who understand the value proposition but have concerns about buying from a business they may not be too familiar with.


Use Explainer Videos

Over 90% of internet users have watched a video to learn more about a brand, specific product, or features. And while creating explainer videos can be intensive, you don't have to invest thousands of dollars in the venture. Sometimes, a simple animated short can do wonders to prove your worth to a customer on the fence.

The key is in creating videos that provide value and remove some of the obstacles preventing your visitors from converting. You might do that by:

  • answering common questions
  • demonstrating the best way to use the product
  • demo-ing the results they can expect

Consider your audience before considering the topic of the video.

Mixam, for example, has an explainer video that details the process of ordering one of their products. It's short, and it can ensure visitors know what they need to do to get the product they need. This video saves customers time and eliminates the need for support chats. Most importantly, they learn exactly what to expect.


Rely on Social Proof

When used correctly, social proof is an incredibly powerful ally. For example, you might opt for testimonials or reviews, user-generated content, or trust badges. Showing your leads that you can be trusted or that others have had a positive experience with your brand can significantly boost your conversion rates.

The best social proof is the one that comes from individuals or brands that your audience can relate to. The more relatable testimonials and case studies are, the more honest the social proof sounds, the better its effect. Don't only highlight glowing reviews. Keep it real.

Take a look at Homestead Supplier: they use reviews on their product pages and have also added some customer testimonials to their homepage. Every individual who has contributed a review looks like a real person who has their own farm and works their own land. They are written in relatable, casual terms, focusing on different aspects of the brand experience.


Pay for Your Ads

Pay-per-click advertising can also help you grow your business. It will spread brand awareness and show users who have a specific search intent the kinds of products they are looking for.

PPC is a complex marketing nook, though. You will either need to learn a lot about bidding strategies and keyword targeting or hire a professional to execute your campaigns for you.

To give you an example of what you can achieve with PPC, here are the ads that show up for the search term "JBL wireless headphones." Curry's, a much larger retailer, shows up as the number one ad, while JBL – which actually manufactures the item – only shows up in organic results.


This kind of targeting can redirect ready-to-convert traffic your way - all because it implies lower prices, faster delivery, and a store that can offer more than the brand itself.

Offer Value-Added Services for Free

Finally, you should also consider providing value-added services free of charge – when able. This tactic will only pay off if the conversion is worth more than the freebie, so be very mindful of what you offer.

People love receiving free stuff. So if a potential customer would have to pay for the same service elsewhere, you can easily score big simply by throwing in this added benefit.

Freebies like gift-wrapping or free tracked shipping are a start. Inkable Label, for instance, offers free proofing and label printing in any size. Since these services are not usually free but are incredibly common, the brand has earned a clear edge over its competition.


In Closing

Growing your eCommerce business doesn't need to be a process that relies on the latest trends in marketing. In fact, by choosing to focus on the tactics "every other brand uses" – but using them better – you can soon experience the kind of ROI you haven't yet seen.

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