This article was contributed by ASD Group

Doing business with Canada from abroad? Find out how to become a “non-resident importer” and manage your exchanges with Canada from your country of residence by appointing a representative on site.

Are you interested in starting or expanding a business in Canada? Are you looking to operate more directly on the Canadian market without necessarily dealing with distributors?

It is possible to develop your Canadian activities from a foreign company by choosing to become a “non-resident importer” in Canada.

To do so, you can appoint a tax representative on-site who will be in charge of your various procedures. This representative will then avoid any blunders and unwarranted risks by taking care of the various formalities involved in registering as a non-resident importer – such as comparing the prices of legal services if necessary, finding the right contacts, etc. You will thus save precious time to focus on developing your business rather than wasting time managing the formalities.

  • clearance processing
  • potentially faster delivery times
  • pre-determination of landed costs
  • enhanced e-commerce sales.

Who benefits from reading this article?

  1. Anyone interested in beginning or expanding business in Canada.
  2. Those who want to operate within the Canadian Market but not necessarily utilize its distributors.

An important key to achieving market penetration and expanding export sales to Canada is to minimize the Canadian customer’s work by making the transaction resemble a Canadian domestic transaction.

What are the advantages of being a non-resident importer?

  1. As a non-resident importer, you will be able to better control the process of shipping and selling to end customers. Managing the flow of your goods and any problems that may arise in the supply chain is a major issue when you are an exporter/importer. Being a non-resident importer allows you to stay in control of the entire chain.
  2. You will be able to sell on “Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)” terms to your Canadian customers. This means that you will be able to offer an all-in-one price that includes delivery tof the end customer’s doorstep. As a DDP seller, you will take on more responsibility, but you will make it easier for your customers.
  3. Your business can be more responsive by delivering DDP directly to your Canadian customers instead of leaving the responsibility of Canadian customs clearance to your customers. This gives you a significant competitive advantage over your competitors!
  4. Speaking of competition, the significant advantage of the Non-Resident Importer (NRI) program remains the competitiveness it offers. It allows you to better control the costs and facilitate the access of your goods to your Canadian customers.

In conclusion, being a non-resident importer allows you to make your goods more accessible to Canadian customers and to better control the supply chain. This can only help you increase the profit of your sales in Canada!

How do you choose your representative to become a Non-Resident Importer (NRI)?

To become an NRI, you can appoint a tax representative in Canada such as ASD Group. This is a practical and secure solution for business leaders wishing to develop their activities in Canada. However, you need to think about the appointment of your tax representative properly.

The person you appoint must be a person you trust, who is familiar with the various tax obligations associated with the NRI status. This representative must also be able to answer all your questions and provide you with references upon request.

ASD Group offers a tax representation service and is available to simplify the processing of your sales transactions in Canada. Contact ASD Group experts. They will be pleased to answer all your questions and provide you with practical assistance.

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