Step 1: Go to the application page by clicking Marketplace TAB under Receivables. Find APPLY FOR NEW RECEIVING ACCOUNTS and click.

Step 2: Select a currency you’d like to get paid in.
Supported currencies: USD/JPY/EUR/GBP/AUD/SGD/CAD/AED.

Please pay attention to the NOTE below (The specific transfer conditions depend on the currency applied):PingPong account only accepts local bank transfers in the currency you chosen. It only accepts transfers from a company account. Funds from individual or a company owned by you will be rejected. It doesn't support wire transfers.

Step 3:Select the platforms: (Make sure to provide store url in the end)
① E-commerce: Amazon, AliExpress, Coupang, Newegg ect.
② Freelance, developer platform, or platforms which receive funds via PayPal/Stripe: App store, Freelancer, Facebook Audience Network ect.
Note: If you receive from both, please apply your account separately.
③ eBay:Paid account especially for eBay platform, system will generate an EWB account after you selected eBay. To get more information on EWB application please view the guidance “How to apply EWB VA”.

Step 4: Prompt that the application is successful.

Step 5: View the account in dashboard

Note: You need to pass KYC (submit business & bank account information) for verification before viewing the account details. Before that the account information will show as ** .